A Irlanda não me proporcionou que eu conhecesse apenas lugares fantásticos. Aqui, além de estar rodeada de uma natureza exuberante, de uma arquitetura, cultura e folclore magníficos, pude também ter contato com a música produzida nesse país.
E um dos artistas que tive o grande prazer de conhecer seu trabalho chame-se Robert Delaney.
Robert Delaney é cantor, compositor e letrista natural da cidade de Dublin. Apaixonado pela música desde criança, Delaney, precocemente começou a escrever poesias e canções. Entretanto, faz pouco tempo que o artista trouxe suas obras a público, gravando no ano de 2010 seu primeiro trabalho, 'Lilies For My Sweetheart'. Suas composições tem influências de rhythm & soul, folk e blues.
Particularmente gostei muito de suas canção. São melodias penetrantes, envolventes, por vezes dolente, aveludadas. E tudo isso embalado ao som de sua linda voz. Uma voz que por vezes é quase um sussurro, instigante; por outras, levemente rouca, rebelde e sensual. Eu diria: combinação perfeita!
Never Knew
A once in a lifetime kind of love
How could we let that fall apart
To see how mighty we can be
Yet how fragile we really are
How could we let that fall apart
To see how mighty we can be
Yet how fragile we really are
I never knew a love like that before
And so it goes the more you get has you only giving more
I never knew a flame could burn so cold
I just put my faith in the hands of love to see what would unfold.
And so it goes the more you get has you only giving more
I never knew a flame could burn so cold
I just put my faith in the hands of love to see what would unfold.
See how seasons trade their secrets
Just as flowers bloom
Can't find no answers in my waking day
But there's mercy in that moon
Just as flowers bloom
Can't find no answers in my waking day
But there's mercy in that moon
I never knew a love like that before
And so it goes the more you get has you only giving more
I never knew a flame could burn so cold
I just put my faith in the hands of love to see what would unfold.
And so it goes the more you get has you only giving more
I never knew a flame could burn so cold
I just put my faith in the hands of love to see what would unfold.
The power of the words we say
Can't ever be taken away
Something gets lost or so it seems
But I still believe in that dream
Can't ever be taken away
Something gets lost or so it seems
But I still believe in that dream
A once in a lifetime kind of love
How could we let that fall apart.
How could we let that fall apart.
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